Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ghoultide Gathering and Art Doll Quarterly

A few quick announcements.  First, I have an article in the new (August) issue of Art Doll Quarterly.  I talk about different paper mache mixes and I have a few figures included so I hope you find the article of interest.  Second, I was thrilled to have "Trick or Treat Terence" selected as one of the characters to appear on the 2013 Ghoultide Gathering poster.  He is shown on the right side leaning in with his cane.  He was very excited when I showed him the image and I had to reattach the buttons on his vest that popped off.  (teasing of course!)

Work is continuing on the inventory for the Ghoultide Gathering show.  Time is ticking way too quickly!  Below is "Hagatha Pumpkin Wicked."  She is seated on a small throne chair with two little skulls on each side (sorry her hair got so big they don't show in the photograph) as she was selected Queen of the Pumpkin Parade, my theme for this years pieces.  As I continue to complete new works for the show I hope to share more images of them here on the blog.

I hope your summer has been as magical as ours!

1 comment:

A Magical Whimsy said...

Can't wait to see the ADQ article! Congratulations! And also to be highlighted on the Ghoultide Gathering poster too! Awesome!
Teresa in California